The Albatross


The Albatross is a project that is part of an Exhibition by Yasmin Winters at Lincoln University, exploring Feminism, Equalism and Sexism

"For a self directed project I found myself burdened with the lack of authentic feminist narratives in the art world and on social media. The core theme aims to invite viewers to engage in new conversation and personal reflection surrounding their relationship to gender, stereotypes and women."

At its heart, the project orbits around three oil paintings that are featured and explained in an Exhibition catalogue called The Albatross. Viewers are able to navigate the context and my personal journey with feminism through reading this. This includes oil paintings, photography, personal writings and sketches.

"It is a body of work stemming from my criticism of empowering art, and from seeing sexualised political nudity being pushed as a symbol for female freedom. "

"The works of art communicate my perspectives on core areas of miseducation such as gender roles, internationality and misogyny, with each piece acting as a mirror for introspection."


"I refer to the viewers of my work as readers, as each painting requires a level of engagement that evokes a deeper interpretation and understanding than merely onlooking."

"This project stands for an opportunity to acknowledge gaps in our behaviours, assumptions and ingrained biases. Sexism permeates our interactions, institutions and cultural narratives and is blanketed by social conditioning and normalised attitudes."

"It is an Albatross to Equality. "

'A seemingly inescapable moral or emotional burden, as of guilt or responsibility'

'Something burdensome that impedes action or progress.'

For full images from 'The Albatross' Exhibition, please navigate to the Gallery in the menu above.